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Version: 5.x

License Activation

UAVcast-Pro requires an active license key to operate. Each purchase includes a unique license key that must be activated through the web interface.

License Activation

  1. Access the UAVcast-Pro web interface
  2. Navigate to the License section
  3. Enter your license key
  4. Click Activate
Internet Requirement

Your Raspberry Pi must have an active internet connection during the license activation process.

License Properties

Status Indicators

  • Activated: License is valid and properly registered on the current device
  • Expired: License has reached its expiration date and is no longer valid

Device Management

Device Limits

  • Allowed Devices: Maximum number of devices that can use this license simultaneously
  • Remaining Slots: Number of additional devices that can still be activated (Allowed Devices - Currently Registered Devices)

Managing Registered Devices

  • View all currently registered devices
  • Each device shows an "Unregister" option
  • Unregistering a device frees up a license slot for use on another Raspberry Pi
Unregistering Devices

To free up a license slot:

  1. Locate the device in the registered devices list
  2. Click the "Unregister" link next to the device name
  3. Confirm the unregistration
  • Unregistering a device immediately frees up the license slot
  • You can re-register an unregistered device at any time if slots are available