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Version: 4.x


'Raspberry Diagnostic'

You have multiple options to diagnose your raspberry pi from this page.


This will shutdown the Raspberry Pi


Reboot your Raspberry Pi

USB Devices

Will list all connected USB devices.

Kernel Messages

Will populate the kernel log


Will populate all network interfaces. (ifconfig)


Will test your upload and download broadband speed.


Will list all active running processes

Custom Terminal

You can interact with your Raspberry using the custom terminal window. You can type what ever you normally would from the shell window.


'Raspberry Network' Take full control over your raspberry pi network configuration.


Set your prefered raspberry hostname. Default is raspberrypi You can access your raspberry using the hostname instead of ip address.

Example, try open your browser and type raspberrypi/ as the URL

Network Route

Specify the default network route from the dropdown menu. Raspberry pi will try to use the selected device for accessing outer world. Only physical devices can be selected, not VPN or other bridged interface. Raspberry will still be able to use other interfaces, but priority the one you select.

WiFi network

You can search and connect wifi network from within UAVcast-Pro.


Will populate all interfaces and show the current configuration, such as IP, Netmask, Gateway and if you want to enable/disable IPv6. Box with green outline is your default connection to the outer world. Do not change any values while in flight, this might disconnect you from the vehicle.


'Raspberry LED'


This function is disabled on PiZero board.

OnBoard Status LED

You can customize the onboard Status LED to light up when a certain function within UAVcast has started.

Such as:

  • UAVcast has started
  • Modem has established internet connection.
  • VPN connection established
  • Undervoltage Detected

OnBoard Power LED

You can customize the onboard Power LED to light up when a certain function within UAVcast has started.

  • UAVcast has started
  • Modem has established internet connection.
  • VPN connection established
  • Undervoltage Detected